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Dr. Sheikh Md. Noor-E-Alam (Dew) | Popular Diagnostic Dhanmondi

Dr. Sheikh Md. Noor-E-Alam (Dew)

Dr. Sheikh Md. Noor-E-Alam (Dew)

Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Hepatology)
Specialist in: Liver Medicine
Website: populardiagnostic.com
For Appointment: 09666 787801, 09613 787801
Practice Days:  Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
Address: House # 16, Road # 2, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205.
Email: info@populardiagnostic.com


He completes his MBBS, MD (Hepatology), Associate Professor, Advanced Training in Transarterialerial Chemoembolization (TACE) at Liver Cancer Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences (ILBS), New Delhi, India. Consultant, at Popular Diagnostic Centre Limited, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

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One Comment

  1. Faulty ERCP done by Dr. Sheikh Md. Noor-E-Alam (Dew)
    Man is mortal. All death is painful. But some deaths are so important & painful which is not recoverable when there are many dependencies on him or her.
    My sister got admitted to PG/BSMMU Hospital (Dhaka) a little more than a month ago for her Bile/Pancreatic Duct stone. During stone removal, Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Noor-E-Alam (Dew) was her Dr. who did the ERCP for my sister. After the ERCP, within 3 days my sister died in PG Hospital (ICU -> Life Support -> Death).

    We are/were shocked, speechless for this ERCP treatment which makes my sister to death within 3 days of ERCP. Except this (stone) issue, my sister did not had any other Symptoms: No blood Pressure, no diabetes, no earlier pancreatitis, nothing. She was completely a healthy person. But due to Dr./Medical fault during ERCP we lost our Loving Sister who has children and now suffering the whole family which is NOT acceptable, never forgivable and will bear the pain for whole life. ERCP is a simple process, but EXTREMELY sensitive procedure which requires The HIGHEST Level of Expertise & Clinical Hand to do the ERCP as the ERCP has high mortality rate if patient has pre-complications (such as Pre-existing chronic pancreatitis, Pre-existing cancer, Infection such as cholangitis and cholecystitis, Sepsis, or bodily inflammation as a result of infection, Cardiopulmonary complications etc.) or if the treatment is not done with extremely a clinical hand or carefully. My sister had non of complications. She was a completely healthy person walked to the hospital before her ERCP, but just after this ERCP done, my sisters situation got worsen and worsen (was in ICU, then Life Support and then Clinically Death announced by the hospital) and passed away within 3 days of her ERCP.

    Just after ERCP, Dr. and his Team FAILED to save my sisters life as Dr. did deadly mistake during ERCP while taking a stone from Pancreatic Duct. Dr. & his team did perforation (tear or a hole that develops through the wall of a body organ) in the pancreatic duct due to the carelessness, concentration, lack of expertise/clinical hand & professionalism while doing ERCP which attacked Pancreas that made infection in Pancreas and my sister could not come back due to a faulty (medical) ERCP and severe post-procedure complications / prevention.

    I hope the medical team who does this kind of treatment (e.g. ERCP) will not take any others life like my loving sister (though life is in Allah’s hand, but with the highest level of Doctors concentration, professionalism could save life).

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